Over three months ago, we noted that Governor Newsom had 15 clemency recommendation requests that had been pending for an unusually long time. That long time is now more than three months longer as the court still has not taken action on any of the 15.
The oldest two requests were submitted in April 2020. The most recent eight have been with the court since August.
Newsom’s first 13 requests — all of which were granted — were on the court’s docket for a median time of just five weeks before rulings, and all but two were acted on within seven weeks. The two outliers took 15 and 20 weeks.
Supreme Court explains its role in evaluating gubernatorial pardons and commutations
“Few clues to state high court’s crackdown on governor’s clemency grants”
“‘It was like a ton of bricks crushed me’: California grapples with historic clemency rejections”
Justice Liu invites resubmission of clemency requests that the Supreme Court rejected last year
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Supreme Court approves last pending clemency request with no opinions that we know of