The Los Angeles Times, the Daily Journal, The Recorder and The Metropolitan News-Enterprise all report today that the State Bar’s Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation (the “JNE Commission”) has issued a report on California Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee Tani Cantil-Sakauye that rates her “exceptionally well qualified” to serve as Chief Justice. The rating is the JNE Commission’s highest. According to the Daily Journal, the Commission cited as a basis for the rating Justice Cantil-Sakauye’s “brilliant legal mind that can quickly grasp and resolve complex issues and problems” and the fact that she is “‘intelligent, diligent and conscientious.’” The Commission noted that the nominee “‘takes her duties very seriously, but also brings a sense of joyful enthusiasm to the performance of them.’” The rating updates the “qualified” rating Justice Cantil-Sakauye earned from the JNE Commission when first appointed to the Third District Court of Appeal in 2005.

The JNE Commission’s report, issued Monday, comes in advance of Justice Cantil-Sakauye’s confirmation hearing before the Commission on Judicial Appointments, which consists of current Chief Justice Ronald M. George, Attorney General Jerry Brown and Second District Court of Appeal Justice Joan Dempsey Klein. As mentioned in an earlier post, you can watch the hearing live tomorrow at 11 a.m. on the California Channel.