On Monday morning, the Supreme Court will file its opinion in People v. Scully.  (Briefs here; oral argument video here.)

This will be the first decision in any of the three cases argued on the March calendar.  Opinions in the other two will likely be issued on Thursday.

Scully is an automatic direct appeal from a June 1997 judgment of death.  The court’s website does not list issues for those cases.  Counsel was appointed in April 2002.  Briefing was completed in February 2015.

First District, Division Three, Court of Appeal Justice Justice Teri Jackson is a pro tem justice on the case, sitting in place of recused Justice Carol Corrigan. Defense counsel advised the Supreme Court in 2012 that Justice Corrigan was one of three Court of Appeal justices who denied a 1996 writ petition the defendant filed to challenge the superior court’s rejection of a change of venue motion.

The opinion can be viewed Monday starting at 10:00 a.m.