The upcoming week will be busy for the Supreme Court, and in some respects it will be an unusual one.
On Monday, the court will file two opinions.
On Tuesday, there is a rare not-regularly-scheduled oral argument session, which will include a hearing on the much-watched voting rights case, Pico Neighborhood Association v. City of Santa Monica.
The court will conference on Wednesday. In itself, it’s not unusual for the court to hold a mid-week conference. However, a conference in the same week as oral arguments is uncommon, if not unprecedented.
Thursday might see the filing of one or more additional opinions. One April calendar case — People v. Reyes — is due to be decided either that day or the following Monday. (But that Monday is the day before the Fourth of July, so the odds seem to favor a Thursday Reyes filing.) Also, 17 cases were argued in May and early June (here, here, and here), with opinions in all expected before the end of August; eight of them should be decided by August 7.
On Friday, the court could announce the filing of opinions for the following Monday.