The California Supreme Court Historical Society Spring/Summer 2017 newsletter is now available.  [Disclosure:  I’m on the Society’s board of directors.]  There’s lots of good stuff in this issue.

Besides a profile of the Society’s newest board member, newly re-titled Jorge Navarrette, you can read about The Infamous Case of People v. Hall, how Y.C. Hong Championed Chinese Inclusion, retiring Justice Kathryn Werdegar’s Singular Path to the Supreme Court, David S.Terry’s Writ of Habeas Corpus (see also here), United States Attorney Cecil Poole, UCLA Law School’s Riseborough Mural, how The Wasp Stings the Courts, a recent conference on the California Supreme Court (see also here), a Berkeley Law School celebration of the Society’s new Supreme Court history book (see also here for another book event), and, speaking of books, what Dean Erwin Chemerinsky thought of A Conservative’s View of Law Professors.