The Spring/Summer 2023 Review of the California Supreme Court Historical Society is on its way to mailboxes and is available online. (I’m on the Society’s board.)
Here are the contents:
- Of Colleges and Halls and Judges Bearing Gifts: Reflections on the Great Denaming Debate by John Briscoe [related: here]
- A Red Flag about a Red Flag in 1920s California by John Caragozian
- Justice Kelli Evans: Compassion and Grace Under Pressure by Tiela Chalmers and David Lash
- Portraits of Jake by many [related: here]
- Chief Justice Phil Gibson’s Scheme to Appoint Bernie Witkin as Reporter of Decisions and Transform the Judicial Council by John Wierzbicki
- Hal Cohen Inducted into the Appellate Lawyers Hall of Fame, remarks by Hal Cohen at his induction [related: here]
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